Note that if you do not create an account, very little data is sent to us about you. If you do create an account, you agree to save a copy of your data on our servers. We will not sell this data to outside sources. Data may be transmitted to others users in some regards, such as for a Therapist checking up on your progress. This can be toggled on or off.
As developers, we may need to look through your data to help improve/debug these DBT applications. Whatever we see will be kept private, though we will not be going through your data manually without good reason (such as you requesting we delete something, or manually editing your data via an email request). Sensitive information is encrypted.
In an ongoing endeavor, we will continue to upgrade and improve our security to keep your data safe. In the event that our servers are breached, we will do our best to limit the scope, repair, and make things right again. This is an amateur operation in comparison to a company like Apple or Google. So by using our apps and/or creating an account, you understand that you are liable, not us, for any consequences due to attackers.
By creating an account, you also agree to not harass or threaten others should you commincate with others. Online access may be removed (even if you are a paying user) temporarily, or permanently should you abuse this service. Should you be on the receiving end, please contact us as we do not monitor communication between users unless we just happen to come across it in a public place. We'll do our best to keep this a safe place for all, though we can not guarantee a positive outcome for everyone.
All material within our apps is copywritten. Feel free to share points or portions of the apps with friends/family. Fair-use. Commercial use of the material in these apps is not allowed. Of course, if you're a therapist and want to include these apps in your list of materials, feel free. Just don't plagiarize portions of these apps, call it your own, and sell the material. If you want to use something that may or may not go beyond fair-use, please contact us and we'll make a decision from there.
Any data you manually send to us, or others is your responsibility. We will respect your privacy and not communicate with others about any information you send to us unless not doing so could result in physical harm to yourself or others. Data you transmit to a Therapist or other via emailed PDFs or similar ways of communication are not monitored by us and thus, you should only send data to trusted sources. It is your responsibility to keep your data safe. We are not responsible for any information that is leaked due to personal theft or 'hacking' of your device. The data you add to our apps may be very sensitive, so please be careful.
As with most online activities, you must not break any international or local laws. As we are a U.S. company, policies will resemble U.S. law. If we find you breaking U.S. law, we have the right to take necessary actions. In other words, don't use our service to commit crimes or threaten violence. We don't have tolerance for abuse.
The forum is a public place, and as such, each individual has individual rights and an expectation of reasonable privacy. This means that if someone shares something sensitive, this information should stay on the forum, or between individuals. We want this to be a safe space where people can talk about a myriad of topics. In other words, don't use information you find about someone online to harass or hurt them on other platforms. If you want to criticize someone on the forum, keep it civil. But do not bring it to places like Facebook or that person's outside life. What is written on the forum should stay on the forum.
When you open up DBT Mindfulness Tools, you will notice that you can allow access to Mindful Minutes which is a Health App parameter. By giving access to this app, this app can add Mindful Minutes to your Health Data. We do not access your data in any way other than by adding the minutes you generate using this app. We do not keep a record of the minutes you generate in this app either. So if you want a record of them, we have no access to it. This data is not used by us in any way other than to add it to your data. We use no other Health data than the Mindful Minutes.